Everyone has a line
Everyone has a line,
We may like to believe that we don't,
that we live in a world of our own making,
no line here, just freedom.
Until the line is crossed.
Then all hell breaks loose.
I take offence and so do you,
Retribution will surely follow.
Consider ghosting or, worse, unfollowing,
The cold shoulder
The putdown
The relationship broken.
If you cross my line
You'll know.
Everyone has a line,
Even people who don't believe in lines,
Swingers prefer not to be killed,
Even dealers have their codes.
God has lines too,
He put them in place for me and you,
When we cross them as we often do,
The relationship gets broken.
But he is not content
to leave us lost like ghosts,
He takes the lead
And crosses the line.
Stepping into our world
Innocent of crime
Putting his life
On the line
His line meets ours
Line for line
Becomes a cross
Our offences paid
By his lines,
we are healed
The Father lays on him
The offence of us all.
Another line stands open
Because of the empty tomb
An invitation to freedom
Because he covered all.
Everyone has a line
And everyone has a choice.
Your unspoken lines of freedom
Or his new line of life.